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Thank your librarians

December brings lots of things--holidays, celebrations, family gatherings--and for the Friends of the Rockridge Library, this month means we get together with the staff of the Rockridge Library branch to thank them for everything they do, each day of the year.

Our annual wintry get together includes lots of conversation and copious amounts of fresh-baked goodies. The Friends make it our business to bring more than can be consumed during an hour-long party before the doors open, which means lots more to be shared throughout the day and likely brought home to family and friends. Hooray for holiday baking! Here's a photo of almost everyone in the reading area.

This year we have much to be thankful for at the library: dedicated staff, strong community support, and active and engaged patrons who take advantage of and add to the spirit our library shares with everyone who walks in the doors.

The next time you stop in the Rockridge library, find a librarian with a name tag and tell them you're thankful for everything they do!

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