About the Friends
The Friends of the Rockridge Library (FORL) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the Rockridge branch of the Oakland Public Library, and supporting our wider Oakland Library community. FORL was formed in 1996, soon after the Rockridge branch moved to its current location on College Avenue.
We are governed and run by a small board of active volunteers, committed to the library's success. We collaborate with the branch manage and their talented staff to identify where community support is needed.
FORL's Mission
To champion the Rockridge Library
To create and stimulate public enthusiasm for library programs and services
To advocate for the library to the community and to government bodies
To generate new ideas for the enhancement of library facilities and programs
To encourage gifts and volunteers for the library

Friends of the Rockridge Library Board Members
Linda Fogel, President
Alona Rivord, Vice President
Beth Wadell, Secretary
K Cluff, Treasurer
Alec MacLeod
Cindy Snow
Dutch Key
Mary Jo Nash
Nellie Thornton
Saeid Kian
Valerie Johnson​